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Create subscription
For this service, the following endpoint must be consumed: https://sandbox-merchant.greenpay.me/subscriptions Step by step to successfully create a subscription in our API : 1. Create the JSON object to be sent It must contain the following ...
General information
1. What is the Greenpay checkout or payment Gateway? The checkout is a functionality that allows merchants to charge credit or debit cards of their customers. 2. How to integrate the checkout? This service can be integrated in different ways: ...
Widget payment process
To consider Para utilizar el widget de pago de Greenpay, se debe considerar los siguiente: You must have a sandbox or production account, to obtain a sandbox account visit About sandbox or test account. The payment widget is a web element that can be ...
1. Which cards can be used in the testing environment? In the test environment, test cards should be used, preferably "false". Therefore we recommend the following: 1. For succesful transactions you can generate card numbers ...
Webhook payment response
1. Description If the merchant requires receiving the payments responses or card tokenization response in a backend, either to update orders, information or only store the response in the database as a backup, then they have to enable a webhook. A ...