Tokenization form process

Tokenization form process

To consider

To use the card tokenization form, the following aspects should be considered:
  1. The form is available at:
    1. Sandbox:
    2. Producción:
  2. Get a session and token of a valid tokenization order (A session and token is valid within 30 minutes from the creation of the order) and include de callback param. In order to create session, token and include callback, you can check this article Create a tokenization order.
  3. The card tokenization form is only available for web apps.

Step to use the card tokenization form

1. Redirect to the tokenization form

After receiving the tokenization order response (session and token), redirect to the tokenization form from the merchant site, this way:
  1. Generate the session and token in sandbox or live according to the environment.
  2. Create de url, this way:
    1. Sandbox:{{session}}
    2. Production:{{session}}
The following is a javascript example to redirect.

const express = require("express");
const app = express();

extended: true

app.get("/order", async function (req, res) {
try {
const security = await postOrder(order);
console.log(""+ security.session);
res.redirect(""+ security.session);
catch (err) {

When the redirection is done, the following form have to appear.

2. Capture form response

Once the user has completed the form fields and the data is processed, the form is going to redirect to callback URL with the answer in base64 format, this way: callbackURL/base64Response.

In the callback URL destination a function must exist to capture the base64 response and decode it. The following is a javascript example to capture the response.

app.get("/callback/:data", async function (req, res) {
try {
//get the response in base64
const data =;

//decode the response in base64
var responsejson = Buffer.from(data, 'base64').toString();
} catch (err) {

The following is a response example decoded.

  1. {
  2.     "status": 201,
  3.     "requestId": 1,
  4.     "result": {
  5.         "token": "fb3d1a7b-9cb1-45b7-b49d-b2a3efd98371",
  6.         "last_digits": "7777",
  7.         "bin": "477777"
  8.     },
  9.     "expiration_date": "2109",
  10.     "brand": "Visa",
  11.     "nickname": "Visa",
  12.     "errors": [],
  13.     "callback": "http://localhost:3000/callback",
  14.     "_signature": "5005b0d596e607825ea4385d....f60c35bbbd9dcd44431100"
  15. }

3. Charge a card token

In order to charge a card token check this article.

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