Update card token
To consider To invoke the payments api, the following aspects should be considered: Use the service on the endpoints: Sandbox: https://sandbox-checkout.greenpay.me/tokenize/update Production: https://checkout.greenpay.me/tokenize/update Get ...
Delete card token
To consider To use this service, the following aspect should be considered: Use the service on the endpoints: Sandbox: https://sandbox-merchant.greenpay.me/deleteToken Production: https://merchant.greenpay.me/deleteToken Tokens registered in Greenpay ...
API Tokenization process
To consider To invoke the payments api, the following aspects should be considered: Use the service on the endpoints: Sandbox: https://sandbox-checkout.greenpay.me/tokenize Production: https://checkout.greenpay.me/tokenize Get a session and token of ...
Create tokenization order
To consider A tokenization order is created to prepare the Greenpay API for create a token from credit or debit card data. The following aspects have to be consider for it: Use these endpoints: Sandbox: https://sandbox-merchant.greenpay.me/tokenize ...