General information

General information

1. What is the Greenpay checkout or payment Gateway?

The checkout is a functionality that allows merchants to charge credit or debit cards of their customers.

2. How to integrate the checkout?

This service can be integrated in different ways:
  1. API: Using POST requests to create and pay orders with card data or card token. Visit API Integration to read the documentation.
  2. WEB Form: This is an option focus on web apps. Using POST request to create an order and redirect to Greenpay webform to pay the order with card data. Visit Webform integration to read de documentation.
  3. Checkout widget: This is an option focus on web apps. Using POST request to create an order and include the widget in HTML to pay the order with card data. Visit Widget Integration to read the documentation.
  4. Mobile SDK's: This is an option focus on hybrid and native mobile apps. Visit Android SDK and iOS SDK to read the documentation. 
  5. Woocommerce Plugin: Visit Woocommerce Plugin to read the documentation. 

3. What is needed to use the checkout?

Para integrar el checkout se requiere los siguiente:
  1. API credentials.
  2. Integrate some of the option described above.
  3. Make able a webhook, in order to get checkout response in your backend (optional).
You can find API and payment form examples in the public repository.  Also, the Widget examples are in Codepen and you can check the api methods in POSTMAN.

4. Checkout flow

4.1. Checkout flow through the API.

4.2. Checkout flow through the API and Webform.

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